People Who Work in the USA Increasingly Confident

USAFIS, a private immigration service that works with foreign nationals relocating to the United States, has found that many of their clients are particularly interested in relocating to the U.S. to find work. The unemployment rate in America is very low, and workers in the country are starting to look for better jobs with higher

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Can I include my partner on my DV-Lottery application if we are not legally married?

According to USAFIS, you may only include yourself, your legally married spouse (opposite sex or same sex) and all unmarried children under 21 (if relevant) on your DV-Lottery application; a “common law” partner who you are not legally married to may NOT be included on your DV-Lottery application.

Can I include my partner on my DV-Lottery application if we are not legally married? Read More »

Requirements for Birth and Marriage Certificates During Your Consular Visit

Birth Certificate Requirements When you apply for your U.S. visa, you will need to present the original birth certificates for yourself and each family member who is applying for their visas. These birth certificates should be issued in the country of birth by the official custodian of birth records. The certificates must show the date

Requirements for Birth and Marriage Certificates During Your Consular Visit Read More »